Anna Tsantir is the cofounder of Two Bettys in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Two Bettys is a green cleaning company that has combined their mission of using ecofriendly cleaners that are safer for their employees, their clients and their community with striving to support greater social justice, green living and community empowerment. They are a company that pays their employees a living wage and benefits and is striving to adapt to the challenges of racial injustice and conflict in their community and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Healthy Eating Education & Farming - Kerin Gould – Author of “Produce With A Purpose” Kerin Gould has a Bachelor of Science degree in...
Don Pierce has spent nearly his whole life working to protect the environment. After decades of work as a professional environmentalist, Don concluded that...
Lara Tomov has always been drawn to sharing experiences with others to connect people and place. She has worked in the film and television...