Steve Welzer was a founding member of the Green Party of New Jersey in 1997 and served on the Steering Committee of the US Green Party during 2012-2013. He actively served the green movement by working in committees, running for office and editing, contributing to, and writing various green publications. He is now working with a group of people to start an eco-village in either central New Jersey or Eastern Pennsylvania. Steve shares good advice on how eco-villages can be one of the many solutions for the greening of society and how meeting and building relationships with other like-minded people can be the start of building close green communities that help weather the unprecedented challenges of our times.
Carla Brown is a creative reuse artist who had a podcast called Trashmagination, where she produced, recorded, and hosted 125 episodes on how to...
Samantha Romanick, a microbiology PhD student, is the founder and operator of Black Rock Refill, a zero-waste business to help people in the Reno,...
Among other numerous community service roles, Earstin Whitten is the co-founder and president of Soulful Seeds, a non-profit whose mission is to provide greater...