Samantha Romanick, a microbiology PhD student, is the founder and operator of Black Rock Refill, a zero-waste business to help people in the Reno, Nevada and surrounding areas have options to reduce plastic waste in their lives. Studying the biology of micro-plastic contamination in the environment, she knows intimately why we should consider minimizing our use of plastic and how to go about it. She operates her business without a brick and mortar store and still manages to make her products available to a large area.
Christoph Weber is a certified arborist and home orchardist that has helped clients dissatisfied with their purely ornamental yards transition them to more productive,...
Andrew Frank is the the founder of the nonprofit, Space Cadet, in Reno, NV. Every yea Andrew Frank is the the founder of the...
Kara and her family started Stony Rose Homestead as a conscious effort to ensure their family was enjoying the healthiest food possible. From a...